
Monday, September 22, 2014

A Gray Thought

Why I love the Color Gray

First, I loved it for its contribution to rain. As a little girl I was so fascinated by the dark clouds, thick sky, and heavy wind that always meant a rain storm was on its way. Gray was the theme of every rainstorm - it still is. And I still love it. I do not always have the time to dance in the puddles like I used to, but my appreciation for God's Teardrops remains the same. 

Then, I loved it for its temperance. A perfect blend of two extremes of the spectrum. Black and white. Gray. For whatever reason I felt a need to become gray myself - not too much of anything. Yet, as I grew older still, I learned and realized that my enemies love the color for the very same reason. 
Evil and good. Gray. 
If it all blends together, who's to say there's any truth left in this world? 
And so, desperately, I searched for the real, final reason of why this color could possibly mean so much to me. And I have found it in my poetry. 

I love the color gray for the same reason I love the gospel. For the same reason I look to Christ. For the same reason I love the smell of rain, and the same reason I have a journal of poems entitled iHope. 
Gray reflects Potential
It insinuates Hope and Possibility
It brightens the black sky, and shines through the end of the tunnel to remind me that, though all is not perfectly right yet, though the sun does not always shine directly above me, light is on its way. 

When I see gray, I remember that I am not lost. 
I remember that I still have a destination, I still have purity to attain; but that I am no longer hopeless. 
No longer alone. 

The Devil loves Gray for its shadow. I love it for its light. 


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

There is a girl

Girl of Glass
By: the iHope Poet

There are many kinds of rebellion.
Rebellion to make a statement,
rebellion to make a change,
rebellion to simply not conform.
Well I don't have a statement to make,
or a change yet to pursue,
but I refuse to comply
to the world,
so easily accepted by all.

There are words that hurt more than others.
Some are said to touch the soul,
some to cruelly pierce the poor and wounded.
And mine, to sting the lies
that no one else thinks twice about.

There is a girl who is not particularly
smaller or bigger than who she lets show.
The mirror doesn't display some stranger
when she looks inside.
The fact is, she tries to be honest about herself
to everyone around her.
Honest, so that as she grows,
the world outside does too.

The only thing keeping her from showing more
is the thin glass wall, where people can see through,
but are kept from hearing what she has to say.
Because there are truths that must be spoken,
change that you cannot see, but only hear.

There is a girl who is true to herself.
She has no curtains to cower behind,
no stage to act on or doors to lock.
Though perhaps she has nothing better to say
than any comedian, reporter, or brilliant speaker,
the glass alone, unbreakable from the inside out,
keeps her truth she wants to tell 
from really being known.
