
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Stains and Cleansers

I Fell Thrice
By: the iHope Poet

Thrice I fell in the murky pond.
The first time, cold it proved to be.
The second fall I didn't mind,
and the third, quite warm
-- and done effortlessly.

The mud I minded right at first,
but once I considered it a stain
'twas easy to take the second fall,
for dirt can build if it's to remain.

When all is said and done, I was not clean.
I left alone the falls I made,
and didn't like the thought of work
to scrub away the thickened stains.

But there is a way to clean them out,
a cleanser, pure with love and hope.
And I shall profit from its hand,
though thrice I fell into the pond
-- for Christ's a cure that understands.


Thursday, January 15, 2015


This Way
By: the iHope Poet

A lighthouse illuminates the way,
its beacon calling me 
apart from the dark, bleak world. 
It echos, it shines, it cries, 
"This way to safety, this way to home." 


"There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life. It calls, 'This way to safety; this way to home.”

~ President Thomas S. Monson

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Goal Attained

I've Arrived
By: the iHope Poet

On looking through a looking glass 
I saw a future, bright.
And I saw fit to make it mine, 
to keep it in my sight. 

The work, I knew, would take my all 
to reach the distant mark. 
I also knew I'd need the help 
of God to keep the spark. 

No easy task ahead of me
would let me meet my goal, 
But somehow I did not give up, 
And here I am, still whole. 

On looking through a looking glass
I saw a future, bright. 
But oh, I didn't realize
just how blessed I'd feel this night. 


Sunday, January 4, 2015

I Need Somebody

I need to be loved
by somebody that I love
And not love somebody
who doesn't love me.


Perfectly Imperfect

The Other Half
By: the iHope Poet

I need you to love me
for more than just my perfections. 
You need to love me for my imperfections. 

Not inspite of them, not regardless of them, 
For them. 

Because without the flaws 
we couldn't grow old together working them out. 

God knows I try hard, but I'm only half good. 
If that. 
I need you to not ignore my bad half. 

Because you can't tell me you love me
when you're indifferent to a whole other part of me that exists. 

You can't tell me you know me so well, 
when you don't remember all the times I shot you down. 

Forgiveness is one thing, and forgetting is quite another. 
Don't forget me. Love me. 
I'm imperfect. 

Please accept that too. 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Really real

all White
By: the iHope Poet

Beneath the black backdrop of the sky,
the crisp, white ground is simply serene.
It makes the world seem clean
and pure and sweet.
Because no one can tell what the blank sheet of ice
conceals underneath.
And they won't try to notice,
until the slick dust is revealed in the mid light of day.
Well, for all the dirt and rotten filth of decay
found evident in these melted puddles of mud,
           perhaps no one really wants to know.
