Better? Worse.
They say bad people can change,
But what do the good ones become?
Spend your whole life waiting for the miracle,
And ignore the one that's there.
What did you expect
When she ran and disappeared?
You see good people have turned.
And where did the bad ones go?
Spent your whole life with no appreciation,
Just wasted what you had.
What can you expect
If you aren't able to accept?
Mass of Monsters
What about her?
She spent her whole life watching the problem.
Thought if she could just keep her eyes on it, it would stay tame.
Never looked at herself long enough to spot it.
The spot growing on her heart.
Turns out, when you watch the devil work, you become his apprentice.
Turns out, when you think the problem isn't you, it is.
So, where did the good one go?
She went bad.
And what are the rest of them going to do?
They're going to start watching their new threat.
Thinking if they can just keep their eyes on her, she'll stay tame.
And that, my friends, is how you create a mass of monsters.
Pointing Fingers
Blame is a curious symptom.
It forms at the point of a finger,
In the center of pride,
At the root of denial.
You taste it and can't tell it's vile.
The poison of blame is addictive.
It sets in the pit of your mind,
On the roof your tongue,
Knocking at your door. . .
Begging your conscience for more and more.
Be better than that. The devil has it sorted but he doesn't have control