Girl of Glass
By: the iHope Poet
There are many kinds of rebellion.
Rebellion to make a statement,
rebellion to m
ake a change,
rebellion to simply
not conform.
Well I don't have a statement to make,
or a change yet to pursue,
but I refuse to comply
to the world,
so easily accepted by all.
There are words that hurt more than others.
Some are said to touch the soul,
some to cruelly pierce the poor and wounded.
And mine, to sting the lies
that no one else thinks twice about.
There is a girl who is not p
smaller or bigger than who she lets show.
The mirror doesn't display some stranger
when she looks inside.
The fact is, she tries to be honest about herself
to everyone around her.
Honest, so that as she grows,
the world outside does too.
The only thing keeping her from showing more
is the thin glass wall, where people can see through,
but are kept from hearing what she has to say.
Because there are truths that must be spoken,
change that you cannot see, but only hear.
There is a girl who is true to herself.
She has no curtains to cower behind,
no stage to act on or doors to lock.
Though perhaps she has nothing better to say
any comedian, reporter, or brilliant speaker,
the glass
alone, unbreakable from the inside out,
keeps her truth she w
ants to tell
from re
ally being known.