
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Things that Shine pt. 2

You do too!

Reach and Return
By: the iHope Poet 

You can catch all the stars
And eventually,
Return to the sun.
You are a heavenly being,
(Heaven takes many forms)
So reach for the stars
And back home,
Bring with you each one.

May You Shine
By: the iHope Poet

I want to tell you a story
I’m gonna tell you about me
And if it’s just too heartbreaking
So by the end you are shaking
Perhaps the words were worth saying
Because by now you’re repeating
The lessons I’ve learned and passed on
Take and use them to move on

Please know and remember
That each life is so tender
Every time you forget it
Eventually you’ll regret it
Please keep it in mind
To hold close all that you find.
And use each one to shine.
Oh, may you shine.

I want to tell you a secret
I won’t expect you to keep it
Someday you’ll carry the burdens
That you would never imagine
Others may choose to give up
But I would wish you to stay up
Oh, that you could see
As I do now, that in the end you’ll be happy.

And if you’ve kept it in mind
To take in all that you find
The secret is you will shine
Brighter than the rays 
You’ve had to leave behind
And then it will be yours 
To choose to keep the light.
Oh, that you would always remain
Oh, may you shine.


  1. One of my favorite things to do when reading a great piece of poetry is to analyze the meaning behind it. I would love to know the story behind "May You Shine"...

  2. Well, this will sound stupid…I base almost all of my poetry (‘May You Shine’ included) off of dreams I may have, or other people’s stories that I’ve heard, all of which I sort of merge together to make new ideas, lessons to learn and so on. I don’t actually have any ‘heartbreaking’ stories of my own, which makes the narrator of the poem potentially anyone who has had an experience that makes them liable to share important lessons with anyone who wishes to hear.
    I think it’s cool to read blog posts (like yours for instance) that have inspiring thoughts and lessons shaped on a page, which are based off of the blogger’s literal first-hand experiences…I am still writing from an outsider’s perspective; which is sad.
    However, since every life has trials I think I am pretty accurate in assuming that one day soon, I’ll have heartbreaking acquaintances of my own. For now, though, sorry, I don’t have anything to do with the poem I wrote, ‘May You Shine”. ☺

  3. Wow. Sorry. That was a ridiculously long explanation about nothing.

    1. I don't think it's stupid at all - I think basing your poetry off of dreams that you have, or stories of other people, is completely fine and totally legitimate. Not all poetry is written from personal experience anyway. You have plenty of time in life to write poetry form experience - and that's even if you want to. There are no rules or regulations for where the inspiration is supposed to come from...that's up to you :)
