
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Soul and Body

By: the iHope Poet

"Awake, and Rise!"
The angels cry;
and though I try to stand,
my mortal frame gives way to sleep,
I cannot lift my head.

The time has come
and so they beckon
those who long to bless.
My heart's so willing, yet I'm weak
in matters of the flesh.

My head will bow
without its strength,
that's when I plead for grace.
Vision falters, legs collapse,
But I'll still seek His face.

Image result for lds angel reaching down to help

He knows.

All of Me
By: the iHope Poet

My Father knows what's best for me,
and sees the Very Best in Me.
He wants whatever's left in me,
to be the better I can be.

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Training to Be
By: the iHope Poet 

Think of life as a fitness program. 
It may take weeks or months before 
You see the results you’ve been working toward. 
But the days that will count the most are when 
Your muscles are sore, and your energy’s spent. 
The progress you make won’t be found in the mirror, 
But you’ll know you’ve done well when you feel the pain there.
So don’t get discouraged or be tempted to sway. 
Choose to praise God for your workout today! 

Think of Christ as your fitness trainer. 
Whenever the workout is hard to stick to -
He’s been through the stretches that you’re going through,
And stands there to lift and to guide you along.
Don’t ever forget how he’s perfectly strong! 
It gets better than that - cuz he paid the price too.
When reality hits, you’ve done all you can do, 
His grace is sufficient, His pushups will count,
Until sooner or later all this work will amount
To the “model” you’ve been training to be from the start. 
So trust in your Trainer - just open your heart.