
Sunday, March 23, 2014

be the change.

When there is a truth . . .
By: the iHope Poet

If the truth hurts, change it.
If the truth changes you, let it hurt.

If the truth is false, fight it.
And if the truth fights you, call out it's lie.

If the truth defines you, live it.
When you live that law, then you are made true.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Only Not.

Like Calling for Christmas. (but it isn't Christmas)
By: the iHope Poet

To that thought at the tip of my tongue,
this page in the grip of an anxious hand,
To the words at the end of this chapter,
where the sentence is long, unfinished and dry;
I say, Where Are You?

To the burden, though lifted, still heavy,
those scars that relentlessly tear,
To my drooping eyelids and forever-spent nights,
when the burn of the burn-out is never unfelt;
I say, Where?

Where is the perspective, the horizon of dreams?
where is the throb in my legs -- now gone numb --
from the running, somewhere, somewhere; where?
Though I hold my eyes open, with a finger or two,
where is the sight of that hope, once so clear,
which is now as blurry as dawn behind closed lids?

To the strength to press onward,
I say, Find Me.
Because for you I have searched on and on.
And on. Because of you.

To the love of all things clarity, 
Please, Find Me.
But until then, I say,


what a surprise.

Round Two
By: the iHope Poet

Round one, you think you know what's up
you think you've got it down.
And right before you get to rest,
the water starts to drown.
Round one, the sky is crushing life,
and you are dropping fast.
Then just in time before you lose,
you catch a firmer grasp.
Round one, the world spins right again,
and things fall back in place.
And you can understand your job
enough to keep the pace.

Cuz Round one, you knew what was up,
you made it for the cue.
But wait to close your eyes just yet,
for now what's next?
Round Two.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Imperfect as we are . . .

By: the iHope Poet

What makes a hero?
A cape and a suit, or a flimsy mask hiding his eyes?
Sometimes, he's a little more worse for wear
than what he seems, when he comes swooping down
to save you right when you need him most.

What makes him valiant?
The courage it takes to fly at the speed of light?
Or maybe the bullets he dodges, the conflicts he ends.
Well, every hero has his kryptonite,
but the real ones know their weakness.

What makes him daring?
Is this where shaping a hero comes into play?
Do the capes and the suits and the masks help him hide all his fears?
A hero may be valiant, he may be bold and elite;
but perhaps, he is simply as grand as he is because he does not know
what makes a hero.

he·ro [heer-oh]

noun, plural he·roes; for 5 also he·ros.

1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds
and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has
performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.