
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Imperfect as we are . . .

By: the iHope Poet

What makes a hero?
A cape and a suit, or a flimsy mask hiding his eyes?
Sometimes, he's a little more worse for wear
than what he seems, when he comes swooping down
to save you right when you need him most.

What makes him valiant?
The courage it takes to fly at the speed of light?
Or maybe the bullets he dodges, the conflicts he ends.
Well, every hero has his kryptonite,
but the real ones know their weakness.

What makes him daring?
Is this where shaping a hero comes into play?
Do the capes and the suits and the masks help him hide all his fears?
A hero may be valiant, he may be bold and elite;
but perhaps, he is simply as grand as he is because he does not know
what makes a hero.

he·ro [heer-oh]

noun, plural he·roes; for 5 also he·ros.

1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds
and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has
performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.


  1. I think a true hero is one who is flawed...

  2. I totally agree -- that's what I found intrigueing as I tried to write about it. There are so many ways that makes a person a hero -- but the real heros are all around us, imperfect just as we are.
