
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hope is When

The Little Bird Flies
By: the iHope Poet

Hope is an ambitious word. 
It is a term which illustrates anticipation, 
Faith, endurance. 
Through hope a survivor is born,
Success is achieved, 
New beginnings are created. 

Hope is a forgetful thing. 
It is the epitome of forgiveness and 
Relinquishing fear of the past to grasp hold of the future. 
By so doing, a broken dream is mended,
The little bird flies, and
Shadows become hints of light yet to shine. 

Hope is completely determined.
Though it fades into lighter shades at times 
It will always prevail, with proud colors waving, at destination's mark. 
And during the darkest of nights, 
Hope may be the smallest spark, 
Yet it burns the brightest of any fiery warmth. 

In the end, Hope is unending. 
No measure of bitter defeat can keep it down, for
It is ever rising. 
And the last goodness in this world will rejoice for Hope's sake --
For the fear it is not, the weakness it will never succumb to, 
And the limits which it cannot, and will not, comprehend. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

i know who i see...The Girl in the Mirror

Who Will They See?
(the Vanity poem)
By: the iHope Poet

What will I do with the girl in the mirror?
Who will I show to the rest of the world?
I see my reflection
and answer these questions --
yet I cannot determine
the person
they'll see.

Compassionate, too.
   So many things that my image could show.
Could it be I am not able to make them
See me as someone I want them to know?



Thursday, January 10, 2013

out of her league..

When Dreams Don't Fit
By: the iHope Poet

silly girl, you're just a baby in a dress,
oh, what were you thinking
when you said yes?
you walk onto the dance floor just to
find yourself
lost in more than a world full of
fairy tales.

should've known that they would leave you here behind
you can't catch up with heels on,
so now you'll have to find
all the answers to questions, they
already know.
all alone at the ball -- why'd you
even go?

there are risks that you will take when you are dreaming.
first you thought you would make it
but now you're too slow.
it's like trying to run through the
sinking sand
always falling and searching for a
helping hand.

it's a long road ahead, and you have no ride --
just walking the highway 
while trying to hide
that you're lost and you're clueless;
but don't worry yet...
they'll come back for you someday
and by then you'll be set 
to go. 

read a related poem here.

Monday, January 7, 2013

and i'm a little bit Stronger

Not Protection. Survival.
By: the iHope Poet

Sometimes it felt like
God wasn't doing His job.
Sometimes, when I got hurt I felt betrayed by His love.

I used to think
that having faith in Him would protect me
From Anything.
No matter what.

So whenever I fell, the world around me fell too;
and on top of all the blame would be my Savior.

Now, I don't blame Him anymore...

I can see how, though I will fall down,
He won't let me stay down.

Because no matter what,
He pulls me through, pushes me out,
Picks me back up.
And He teaches me how to be a little bit stronger.

And I know now
That if I have faith, God will not always protect me,
But he will help me survive.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

life's diversions

The Siren
By: the iHope Poet

make way for the terror
the pain
the fear of an accident and faltering life

can't you hear that sound?
to pull up on the sidelines and watch for a while

who's dying? who crashed?
let's all have a look
and take this chance to excuse ourselves from the main road

as the sirens scream louder
and more frequently
we are found less and less driving straight

and the dirt paths
which are crooked
and off to the far sides of our real journey

are being more and more
traveled by;
we're still moving farther off course

jeez. those sirens --
they can sure be distracting.

a Screeching Noise
By: the iHope Poet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A siren is screeching;
blaring so loud, I can't hear myself think.

Maybe it's warning me, 
but perhaps it's come to mock my short attention span.

Why else does it shriek, 
if all it will say is, "I'm a distraction, don't listen to me"?

And why are those the only words 
I hear a midst the chaos of the rest of my life?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bending Light

in a Gray World of nothings
By: the iHope Poet

Who will be the dancer,
The twirler, the angel
to come
And remind us all that we are in the dark,
That we sometimes are the dark?

Who will shine the light?
On the hill, before the moon
Like a dream
Calling, come look at the sky
And stand up with me!

Will we follow, would we follow?
--Should such a miracle exist--
A hopeful wonder,
In the midst of this colorless life we live…

Sometimes we just need
To acknowledge
That if we don’t fly south today,
We will not be the same tomorrow.

Or will we?

And the stars, both above
And among us,
Are the only ones who know that now…

They whisper such things
Through the wind,
Into our hearts;
So it’s our choice to start listening!

This is my tribute to
Jerry Spinelli's, Stargirl
Happy New Year!