
Monday, August 19, 2013

Just Won't Move

Like Stagnant Water
By: the iHope Poet

It's not about crossroad choices,
it's not about right or wrong.
It's about moving forward,
it's about staying strong.

It's kind of like building a tower,
the higher you go is the game.
But as soon as you stop progressing,
the tower may not stay the same.

For a while it stands halfway finished,
perhaps you're distracted one day.
Eventually, you might just forget it,
and the bricks will start fading away.

It's kind of like old, stagnant water
without movement or ripples or care.
You left it alone for a while.
You left it to rot in despair.

So whether you're out moving mountains,
or planting the roots of a tree,
or trying to keep your balance,
just pedaling through the debris. . .

Remember the changes you're making;
don't stop for a second to rest.
Learn to take big breaths while running;
you'll be grateful you gave it your best!
