A Star Led the Way
By: the iHope Poet
Think of the moments inside of the shed,
Where the lost couple with donkey were led.
Darkness and noises and rough, lowly straw,
Just before Jesus was laid in the stall.
Shepherds were sleeping, in darkness and cold.
Think of the joy angels came to make known!
Fear was erased as they followed the light,
Just before finding the babe in the night.
Wisemen were sent to confirm what was heard,
following stars in the dark of the world.
Think of the miracle, witnessed at last,
Just before choosing to never go back.
Think of the blessing God sent from above,
Mary and child and Heavenly love.
Light took the darkness, a star led the way;
Think of the angels that never did stray.
Circled with family, and spirit, and peace,
Put up the lights and nativity scenes.
Think of your love for the gift that He gave,
Just before singing of Jesus this day.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Just Before Christmas
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
We May Summon Angels
Closed Wounds and Healing
By: the iHope Poet
I cried as if she was dead.
But my sister has not died,
she lives.
she lives.
She stands with her heart on her sleeve,
breathing and anxious.
We do not have a funeral on our hands,
we have a life.
Hers is an opportunity to love
and care for, and support.
Hers is a heart to hold and to cherish.
And we may summon angels
for this precious, beating cause
we cling to --
Because she does not need revival,
only closed wounds and healing.
Even so, Christ can bring back the dead.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015
in each, you'll find a universe.
By: the iHope Poet
We live for ourselves -
And no one really lives for us.
Though we breathe as if
our breaths were numbered,
and think our thoughts
We dance in the dark -
To a song we sing in lonely chorus.
A solo no one else will hear.
With words that plead for kind rapport..
despite our selfish
We moan and weep
as if the world will hear our cries.
And though a glance - or two -
may turn our way,
the things they see will never be
the thing we meant;
they do not hear, they do not sing,
they do not watch the dance.
And we
live for ouselves,
To each their own
By: the iHope Poet
We live for ourselves -
And no one really lives for us.
Though we breathe as if
our breaths were numbered,
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We dance in the dark -
To a song we sing in lonely chorus.
A solo no one else will hear.
With words that plead for kind rapport..
despite our selfish
We moan and weep
as if the world will hear our cries.
And though a glance - or two -
may turn our way,
the things they see will never be
the thing we meant;
they do not hear, they do not sing,
they do not watch the dance.
And we
live for ouselves,
To each their own
Monday, August 24, 2015
Two days I said "I love you"
thought I saw him cry
I guess I just imagined
that he cared at all.
could have sworn I saw
him cry. Guess I was a fool
to think he loved me.
can't believe he's gone
and there's a tear he left for
me to cry over.
I guess I just imagined
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could have sworn I saw
him cry. Guess I was a fool
to think he loved me.
can't believe he's gone
and there's a tear he left for
me to cry over.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
On a lonely night
On Blood Moons and Kisses
By: the iHope Poet
It's a blood moon tonight;
there's smoke in the air --
that's clouding my senses,
and I used to care, but
It's a blood moon tonight,
so I don't.
It's raining tomorrow;
the birds have all flown --
they have left me behind
and, though I used to mind,
It's raining tomorrow,
so I don't.
You kissed me goodbye
without even a tear.
And I cried and I cried,
and I clung to my fears, but
You kissed me goodbye.
So I won't.
By: the iHope Poet
It's a blood moon tonight;
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that's clouding my senses,
and I used to care, but
It's a blood moon tonight,
so I don't.
It's raining tomorrow;
the birds have all flown --
they have left me behind
and, though I used to mind,
It's raining tomorrow,
so I don't.
You kissed me goodbye
without even a tear.
And I cried and I cried,
and I clung to my fears, but
You kissed me goodbye.
So I won't.
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an Ugly Truth,
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
it gets dark here
Turn on the light?
By: the iHope Poet
healing hurts.
it itches, it stings
it burns.
it touches.
it lifts, it sees,
it turns.
but somehow the light
is too bright
in the day.
it's hard to be open
when darkness
can stay.
healing refreshes,
it cleans
and renews.
the pain can do wonders,
or not.
you must choose.
By: the iHope Poet
healing hurts.
it itches, it stings
it burns.
it touches.
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it turns.
but somehow the light
is too bright
in the day.
it's hard to be open
when darkness
can stay.
healing refreshes,
it cleans
and renews.
the pain can do wonders,
or not.
you must choose.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The Last Rainstorm
This Time I'll Dance.
By: The iHope Poet
God, send me a rainstorm.
I know you've sent so many before..
Before these years turned into droughts.
I used to leave behind my doubts,
when rain would fall,
and dance.
But I've forgotten in recent years.
When thunder came, I'd open ears;
I loved the lightning, the waterfall..
The storm itself, well, it came and all,
I just stopped dancing. God, I tried
to love the rain - but something died
the moment I forgot
to dance.
And now I'm asking, one more time,
before I leave my home behind..
Please, God, make me a rainstorm.
Send me one last, beautiful rain,
and help me wash away this pain.
The door is open, key in hand,
I have a future with a plan --
but I can't take another step
without the hope
of dancing again.
Make me a rainstorm, God, one more.
I promise that I'll dance before
it goes away. This time I will --
No more watching from the windowsill.
I'll be out there, last of all,
with open arms.
Twirling in Your waterfall.
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Monday, June 8, 2015
Pain Lies in Paint.
The Wall
By: theiHope Poet
I am the beam in the plaster
holding up your house.
Sheltering your cobwebs, all the spiders,
and that mouse.
I see him scrambling for cheese, asking please,
never heard.
Only trapped.
And I watch as his neck's getting snapped.
I am the arm with the bruises,
taking dings, scratches, cuffs.
Never shying, never swaying, only staying
through the rough.
People bump,
people stain,
and I hear them in their pain.
I am the stone for heads to cry on,
cheeks to press to, tears to fall,
and I keep them in my corner when
they struggle standing tall.
Words get slurred and breaths are ragged,
love and pain and passion here --
lonely moments pass as well..
And I remain with eyes and ears.
By: theiHope Poet
I am the beam in the plaster
holding up your house.
Sheltering your cobwebs, all the spiders,
and that mouse.
I see him scrambling for cheese, asking please,
never heard.
Only trapped.
And I watch as his neck's getting snapped.
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I am the arm with the bruises,
taking dings, scratches, cuffs.
Never shying, never swaying, only staying
through the rough.
People bump,
people stain,
and I hear them in their pain.
I am the stone for heads to cry on,
cheeks to press to, tears to fall,
and I keep them in my corner when
they struggle standing tall.
Words get slurred and breaths are ragged,
love and pain and passion here --
lonely moments pass as well..
And I remain with eyes and ears.
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poetic forms,
Reflect and Learn
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Paper Cuts
Slivers and Hidden Wounds
By: the iHope Poet
I had you in my hands, with my fingers tightly gripping yours.
Didn't realize, when you slipped, how fast the blood would start to pour.
I've seen strength dissolve to tears, and trust turn into fear and doubt.
Sticks and stones can break my soul, and slivers sometimes don't come out.
So suddenly I lost my grip - I lost the hope I used to hold,
that the plans I made were meant to be. I dropped the rope I used to pull.
Then, when you let me let you go, without so much as a passing care,
I never thought the hidden wound would sting with such enflamed despair.
By: the iHope Poet
I had you in my hands, with my fingers tightly gripping yours.
Didn't realize, when you slipped, how fast the blood would start to pour.
I've seen strength dissolve to tears, and trust turn into fear and doubt.
Sticks and stones can break my soul, and slivers sometimes don't come out.
So suddenly I lost my grip - I lost the hope I used to hold,
that the plans I made were meant to be. I dropped the rope I used to pull.
Then, when you let me let you go, without so much as a passing care,
I never thought the hidden wound would sting with such enflamed despair.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Along the Way
Dust and Pebbles
By: the iHope Poet
Take this pebble from your shoe,
Place it far away from you;
The dust you gather on the road
Can trip you with your heavy load.
Don't let fears and tedious cares
Make the journey worse for wear..
Choose to drop those hopeless dreams
that always drag you to your knees.
When you're down, please, look above,
Smile, and know that you are loved.
And, as a final rule of thumb,
Don't forget how far you've come!
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Monday, February 9, 2015
February Blues
The Path That Leads Nowhere
By: the iHope Poet
When there's a lot to hope for, there's even more to lose.
We built our bridges halfway
And ignored the fateful drop as we made our way across.
I chose this path. I chose to lose my heart to you.
And I knew the fall would come sooner or later.
But sometimes we close our eyes when we sense the pain is coming.
Sometimes we choose to live blindly instead of living out of fear.
The love I have for you gave me every bit of that flying sensation I longed for.
Head over heels all the way to the bottom.
You gave me a stepping stone above the deep, dark waters.
A love that covered my eyes like a soft, lingering hand.
Words that lulled me to sleep; as I turned my back to the unfinished overpass -- anxious
for the imminent plunge.
And now that this is over, let's just say I knew the fall would come
sooner or later.
But the water slapped my face just a moment too soon.
By: the iHope Poet
When there's a lot to hope for, there's even more to lose.
We built our bridges halfway
And ignored the fateful drop as we made our way across.
I chose this path. I chose to lose my heart to you.
And I knew the fall would come sooner or later.
But sometimes we close our eyes when we sense the pain is coming.
Sometimes we choose to live blindly instead of living out of fear.
The love I have for you gave me every bit of that flying sensation I longed for.
Head over heels all the way to the bottom.
You gave me a stepping stone above the deep, dark waters.
A love that covered my eyes like a soft, lingering hand.
Words that lulled me to sleep; as I turned my back to the unfinished overpass -- anxious
for the imminent plunge.
And now that this is over, let's just say I knew the fall would come
sooner or later.
But the water slapped my face just a moment too soon.
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You can only go so far across a broken bridge.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Every Time
By: the iHope Poet
Friendship is God's simple aid
Reminding us in perfect ways
That on both bright and darker days,
When we are lost we can be saved.
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Saturday, February 7, 2015
I'm Missing Something.. and i think it might be you.
Lonely Ramble.
By: the iHope Poet
Maybe I miss you,
but maybe I'm just lonely.
There's a chance I love you still,
or I may just wanna still be loved.
Perhaps my heart's confused about how it all ended;
but my head insists that it really wasn't meant to be.
Either way I'm missing something,
and it's you I know I'll never see.
By: the iHope Poet
Maybe I miss you,
but maybe I'm just lonely.
There's a chance I love you still,
or I may just wanna still be loved.
Perhaps my heart's confused about how it all ended;
but my head insists that it really wasn't meant to be.
Either way I'm missing something,
and it's you I know I'll never see.
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Sunday, January 18, 2015
Stains and Cleansers
I Fell Thrice
By: the iHope Poet
Thrice I fell in the murky pond.
The first time, cold it proved to be.
The second fall I didn't mind,
and the third, quite warm
-- and done effortlessly.
The mud I minded right at first,
but once I considered it a stain
'twas easy to take the second fall,
for dirt can build if it's to remain.
When all is said and done, I was not clean.
I left alone the falls I made,
and didn't like the thought of work
to scrub away the thickened stains.
But there is a way to clean them out,
a cleanser, pure with love and hope.
And I shall profit from its hand,
though thrice I fell into the pond
-- for Christ's a cure that understands.
By: the iHope Poet
Thrice I fell in the murky pond.
The first time, cold it proved to be.
The second fall I didn't mind,
and the third, quite warm
-- and done effortlessly.
The mud I minded right at first,
but once I considered it a stain
'twas easy to take the second fall,
for dirt can build if it's to remain.
When all is said and done, I was not clean.
I left alone the falls I made,
and didn't like the thought of work
to scrub away the thickened stains.
But there is a way to clean them out,
a cleanser, pure with love and hope.
And I shall profit from its hand,
though thrice I fell into the pond
-- for Christ's a cure that understands.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
This Way
By: the iHope Poet
A lighthouse illuminates the way,
its beacon calling me
apart from the dark, bleak world.
It echos, it shines, it cries,
"This way to safety, this way to home."
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"There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no
mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms
of life. It calls, 'This way to safety; this way to home.”
~ President Thomas S. Monson
Friday, January 9, 2015
A Goal Attained
I've Arrived
By: the iHope Poet
On looking through a looking glass
I saw a future, bright.
And I saw fit to make it mine,
to keep it in my sight.
The work, I knew, would take my all
to reach the distant mark.
I also knew I'd need the help
of God to keep the spark.
No easy task ahead of me
would let me meet my goal,
But somehow I did not give up,
And here I am, still whole.
On looking through a looking glass
I saw a future, bright.
But oh, I didn't realize
just how blessed I'd feel this night.
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Sunday, January 4, 2015
Perfectly Imperfect
The Other Half
By: the iHope Poet
I need you to love me
for more than just my perfections.
You need to love me for my imperfections.
Not inspite of them, not regardless of them,
For them.
Because without the flaws
we couldn't grow old together working them out.
God knows I try hard, but I'm only half good.
If that.
I need you to not ignore my bad half.
Because you can't tell me you love me
when you're indifferent to a whole other part of me that exists.
You can't tell me you know me so well,
when you don't remember all the times I shot you down.
Forgiveness is one thing, and forgetting is quite another.
Don't forget me. Love me.
I'm imperfect.
Please accept that too.
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Friday, January 2, 2015
Really real
all White
By: the iHope Poet
Beneath the black backdrop of the sky,
the crisp, white ground is simply serene.
It makes the world seem clean
and pure and sweet.
Because no one can tell what the blank sheet of ice
conceals underneath.
And they won't try to notice,
until the slick dust is revealed in the mid light of day.
Well, for all the dirt and rotten filth of decay
found evident in these melted puddles of mud,
perhaps no one really wants to know.
By: the iHope Poet
Beneath the black backdrop of the sky,
the crisp, white ground is simply serene.
It makes the world seem clean
and pure and sweet.
Because no one can tell what the blank sheet of ice
conceals underneath.
And they won't try to notice,
until the slick dust is revealed in the mid light of day.
Well, for all the dirt and rotten filth of decay
found evident in these melted puddles of mud,
perhaps no one really wants to know.
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